Sunday, January 31, 2010

A Little Drying Out

It's been a few days since the big rains but I'm wondering if this guy knows something we don't know. And did he have a cubit stick there?

I went to the gym today to try to loosen up my back which has really been hurting the past couple of days. As I walked past Westminster on the way back, I was shocked to realize that our poster was up, meaning the very next concert at Westminster is us, Baroque & Beyond. I'm sure we'll be ready, though it was a littl worrisome that Stephen, our cellist, missed the last rehearsal. We practice tomorrow and I think it will just be a touchup. Fortunately, Kathy is going to let me ride with her to Davis (we have to meet in Davis to accomodate Stephen who has a job until noon and a concert at 2 or something like that). Fortunate, because I can never seem to find my way around once I get to Davis. I don't know what the thing is with me and Davis, but should I manage to get there, I often get so confused it takes me 20 minutes to get out of town.
Of course, the reason my back feels awful is because we moved the bed to put the new rug in the bedroom. I really like the new rug -- makes the room look a lot bigger and without being so busy, it doesn't fight with the quilt Jan made. Mostly Mike and John moved the bed, which must weigh about 150 pounds without the matress and springs, and the rug itself was pretty heavy. Fortunately, the guy from the rug store brought it upstairs. I know he wasn't planning on doing it, but I just said, "it goes upstairs" when he got it out of the truck. I've been taking a ton of naproxin, and it's possibly a little better tonight, so I didn't take any more. We'll see how it is in the morning. . Of course, it's very convenient to me to blame the back trouble on moving furniture and rugs, but I suspect the real problem is weight gain. I've gotta get back to realistic eating

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