But I digress. I’m talking about food now. First of all, Romania is a wonderfully rich agricultural country and the food is fresh and organic.

I wouldn’t count too much on the water because people really throw their trash around. We had a wonderful local cabbage dish, minced meat wrapped in cabbage, another local specialty that’s a lot like dolmas, rice balls, Greek salad and tomato salad. But as far as I’m concerned, there’s this wonderful tourist specialty which is basically bread. It's called Kurtos Kalacs and they make it a loaf at a time so that whenever you buy it, it's fresh and hot. I think it’s about like pizza dough. The dough is rolled out flat and then wrapped around a thing like a rolling pin in strips, and then baked, or rather barbequed, over hot coals. When it comes out, it slides off the roller so it looks like a loaf of bread but it’s hollow inside. It’s rolled in sugar, and you pull off pieces and eat it.

The tomatoes are wonderful, and this is berry season, so you see people beside the road and walking around town selling baskets of berries packaged like someone who knows what they are doing. The berries are in a little basket lined with leaves, and the kids (gypsies) walk around selling them.

We’re in the area of Romania called Transylvania, which is sort of in and around the Carpathian mountains. If you look closely at the mountain picture, you’ll see a cross at the top of one of the mountains. We had to go by this about 5 times before we got a day when the clouds weren’t hovering around the top of the mountain and you could see the cross.

Bran castle is the supposed Dracula castle, except of course that Dracula is a myth. Vlad the Impaler is a real person,

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