John's been sick since last Thursday, and I seem to have finally come down with it today. I wouldn't say I'm really sick, but I have become a world-class snot factory. I did get smart today and bought some of that really soft Kleenex with lotion in it to make it a little easier on my nose.
Earlier in the day, I felt a little better, so I went to the gym and worked out, then sat in the eucalyptus room for about 10 minutes. That was wonderful, and my nose and chest were clear for a good hour or so after that.
So I managed to get in a 6-mile walk today. Not fast, but it just felt good to be outside. I also found another source of eucalyptus. There are three different varieties right near each other on the Capitol grounds. I collected leaves from all three. The smallest tree seemed to have the most aromatic leaves.

The other thing that's really a pain about not feeling well, is that you start stuff, and then you don't feel like finishing them.
. So everything in the house is a mess, the result of times when you feel good and start a project, and then you're tired and don't do any more and leave all the parts lying around. 

So if you look around these pictures, you see our box of soft Kleenex, pans sitting on the stove with eucalyptus leaves in them and leftover chicken soup, tea pot for the 10 cups of tea I've had today (with pretty predictable results for tonight, I'll bet) my new bunch of eucalyptus, brandy bottle for making hot toddies, grocery bags with oranges I bought today (can't find any really fresh ones on people's trees, so I had to actually buy them at the grocery store. I cannot stand it when the kitchen is a big mess like that, but now I'm back to one of the down times when I'm so tired I can hardly even type. Suffice it to say that the dining room table looks just as bad and I've managed to keep that one clean for the last month. Ha ha ha. That's all over.
I can't believe how whiney this sounds. I have a little cold. You'd think I was a man with this amount of whining.
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